Thursday, July 16, 2009

Making a Dress-Part Four

Once again Simplicity is really throwing curve balls at me.  And they are not ones that can be followed, they are ones that you have to look at and wonder who was not awake when they approved this pattern.  But thank goodness for the help of Kate, wine, and Depeche Mode to keep we sewing.

Earlier in the day my friend Becky came to drop off a gift.  I was so shocked when she handed me a copy of Depeche Mode 101.  Yes it's a VHS and yes I do own one.  But when I was a early Depeche Mode fan this was one cd I would play over and over so I could feel that I was at the concert.  But alas in a few weeks I am going to be at my own version of Depeche Mode and with one of kind dress.   But with this dress comes the challenges that make me happy that I have a friend helping me. Pinning a Bodice is one the most challenging that can be done and that have been making wish I just made a simple sun dress, but I am making it to the end.
I have started on the skirt which is going rather easy and I have to press and everything ready for me to start attaching everything.  Only 23 days till the Tour of the Universe comes to Depeche Mode and I am able to dance the night away wearing the dress.

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